Hunger games

By Alanna
Wasp Venom

Pain is red
The taste of salty tears running down my face
The foul smell, as green liquid oozes out
The feel of death
The sound of birds falling silent
The sight of trees spinning in circles around me
Not blacking out, is the key to winning the games

My dogs

I love mu dogs more than anything! They are the most cutest thing in the world! Uuolla my labadore is sunshine yellow and very sweet! Yerby is adorable and always exited she’s cinnamon colored! They are both very sweet and loving dogs and I wouldn’t want any other dogs!


When I went to Europe it was so much fun! We saw the ocean while the waves crashed against the grindy sand. We ate croissants every morning and saw the” tour da France” while we where there! Some days the air was chilly but felt so refreshing! I can’t wait to go back! But I also can’t wait to go to the Bahamas!